Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a crib and a fireplace

I can't believe it has been over a week without a blog update! Such a long time for me and basically just because I have not been creative or done anything fun the past week really :-) Also, there has been a lot of walking outside and playing in the backyard because the weather is nicer and that makes it hard for me to want to be indoors in front of the computer. So, here are a few pics and a quick video to sum up our simple lives.

One thing Kinley LOVES to do that I can't believe I have never taken a picture of yet is climb in the fireplace. We have never actually made a fire in there so it is totally clean but it is still so funny that she likes to climb in there. She puts her baby in there and then goes in and gets her. She loves to open and close the doors on the fireplace screen ...who knows why we have a screen since we haven't ever made a fire...for Kinley's enjoyment I am sure. One thing you should know...when the screen doors are closed, you cannot see her. Only when she opens the doors and says 'Boo' can you see her. My D-group girls love to watch her do this and Abbe grabbed my phone last night to take some pics because she thought it was hilarious. Then, because she literally does this everyday...I took some more pics with the camera today.
P.S. - You can't see her.

We have also been playing outside a lot! We dig in the flower beds, play with rocks, slide on the slide, climb on the patio furniture. Anything we can do really to stay busy.
So much hair blowing in the wind!

And another one of Kinley's favorite places to play is her bed. Sounds weird, but it is the only place that we let her have her paci during the day. So, sometimes she just wants to go in there and lay down and suck on her paci. I usually go and sit down next to her crib and talk to her and try to coax her out without a paci. Today we laughed and "sang" the itsy bitsy spider. I say "sang" in jest because Kinley really only does the hand motions. Enjoy!


kristen said...

she is so big!! her hair is so long and she is such a performer! I love it!!

RanAshKenCoop said...

Cute video Linds! I love so much how she gets her shoulders and her elbows into the itsy bitsy spider! She totally rocks it!

Honey said...

Glad you documented the fireplace hideout. Love the itsy bitsy spider!!!

Jan said...

Make my day! So adorable!!! Love her.

Nat said...

She is such a doll! Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

That itsy bitsy is the cutest thing ever !

Camila said...

PS You can't see her just made me laugh out loud.