Last weekend we went to the lake with Pops, Gram, Honey & Boss. It was an awesome weekend for our kids to spend time with all their grandparents.
Side note...I have been terrible at packing lately. The last time we were at the lake I forgot almost everything essential for myself. I had to borrow from Mendy: shorts, as sports bra, a razor, and a hair dryer...and in full disclosure...I also had to borrow Kinley's toothbrush. It was kind of the joke all weekend that I did not pack well at all. Well, this weekend Ben did an amazing job packing the kids and getting them ready for the lake while I worked Friday. As soon as I got home we rushed out as fast as we could to beat traffic and somehow we left that incredibly packed bag AND Ty's pack in play zipped up and ready to go in Ty's room all weekend.
Maybe for our next trip I will get it together.
But, thankfully with 2 grandmas and a quick trip to Walmart our kids had clothes, swimsuits, pjs, toothbrushes, diapers, wipes and even a new sound monitor.
Kinley was super excited about her new Walmart attire and immediately changed into a new dress as soon as we got back to the lakehouse but did very politely ask me if I would please bring her clothes to the lake next time.
Sweet angel.
Another bonus this weekend was the new baby pool Gram had bought. The lake water is super low again this year so the kids needed some good clean water to play in! They had so, so much fun and I can't wait to bust ours out in our own backyard at home this summer. The majority of the time they played in the pool they were totally, sorry for naked baby pics but, there are SO many more that were totally not appropriate to post.
Kinley literally ran naked across the entire yard to jump in this tiny pool and splash Ty.

Finally decided to put on some swimsuits.
The sandy "beach" is always a hit.
Ty wanted to eat his snack next to Boss in his own chair.
Ty kept copying Boss all weekend stomping around and chasing him. It was so cute.
And here is Kinley with her fake puppy in very own Sprite Ad.
We are so, so thankful that we have such amazing parents that are wonderful examples for us and love our kids and it makes it that much more fun that they are friends too. We are even all going on vacation together next month. I can't wait. We are so blessed.
1 comment:
That was such a fun weekend! Thanks to Gary & Cheryl for having us. Ben & I are ready to post in Pinochle again!
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