This past Sunday Kinley was dedicated at our church. It was such a fun day for us. As I was straping her in her carseat in her pretty white dress I just cried. I can't believe she is almost one. I am so proud of her and thrilled to have a special day to celebrate dedicating her to the Lord. It is our prayer as parents that she will fall in love with and follow hard after Jesus. We pray that she will make the choice to follow Him in her life and be baptised as evidence of her belief in and acceptance of Him as her Savior. But, until then, as a child and as her parents, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to be prayed over.
Our friend Matt Fogle is the High School Pastor at our church and prayed over us in front of the congregation. All Kinley's grandparents and Uncle Alex stood with us. (Uncle Bart and Aunt Olivia are out of the country and Uncle Matt was out of the state!) It was wonderful to have generations of faith-followers standing with us.
After church we headed over to the Harrison's for a celebratory brunch. I am overwhelmed at the love and support that was shown for Kinley on her dedication day. On Wednesday I sent out a very quick email to our familu just letting everyone know she was going to be dedicated but that they did not need to go out of their way to come. Very kindly, Cheryl (Gram) offered to host a brunch...but, I don't think she really knew what she was getting into! Just 4 days later..we had a crew of about 30 in church and at brunch all there to support us and Kinley on her special day. I am so thankful...and we always feel the more the merrier.
Here are some pictures from the day! And for a few people that might want to see but, couldn't make it there is a video at the end of Matt's prayer over us. Kinley was a little squirmy at church...but, overall did great! She was an angel all day and I just couldn't have asked for anything more special.
Kinley and I waiting upstairs and watching the screens for our queue to come down at the end of service. While we waited Kinley decided to chew on a few things from the diaper bag.

Matt did the dedication.

Hanging out in church...look how much she loves her Boss. She does not hug ANYONE else like that.
At the Harrison's the little girls played...

I love Kinley trying to put her arm around Aubrey...and look at Eden's fantastic picture smile!
We also took lots of family pics......

Pepa and Kinley and Momma Gay

Four Generations...all the 'Gays'...
Lindsay Gay, Kinley Gay, Norma 'Momma Gay,' and Carol Gay

Kinley's grandparents...look at that cheeseball face she is learning to make with Gram and Pops

Some Harrison pics

And at the end of the is Kinley..pooped and naked due to an incident with a dog's water bowl.
It was a wonderful day! We are so thankful to everyone!
Our friend Matt Fogle is the High School Pastor at our church and prayed over us in front of the congregation. All Kinley's grandparents and Uncle Alex stood with us. (Uncle Bart and Aunt Olivia are out of the country and Uncle Matt was out of the state!) It was wonderful to have generations of faith-followers standing with us.
After church we headed over to the Harrison's for a celebratory brunch. I am overwhelmed at the love and support that was shown for Kinley on her dedication day. On Wednesday I sent out a very quick email to our familu just letting everyone know she was going to be dedicated but that they did not need to go out of their way to come. Very kindly, Cheryl (Gram) offered to host a brunch...but, I don't think she really knew what she was getting into! Just 4 days later..we had a crew of about 30 in church and at brunch all there to support us and Kinley on her special day. I am so thankful...and we always feel the more the merrier.
Here are some pictures from the day! And for a few people that might want to see but, couldn't make it there is a video at the end of Matt's prayer over us. Kinley was a little squirmy at church...but, overall did great! She was an angel all day and I just couldn't have asked for anything more special.

Matt did the dedication.

Hanging out in church...look how much she loves her Boss. She does not hug ANYONE else like that.
At the Harrison's the little girls played...

I love Kinley trying to put her arm around Aubrey...and look at Eden's fantastic picture smile!
We also took lots of family pics......

Pepa and Kinley and Momma Gay

Four Generations...all the 'Gays'...
Lindsay Gay, Kinley Gay, Norma 'Momma Gay,' and Carol Gay

Kinley's grandparents...look at that cheeseball face she is learning to make with Gram and Pops

Some Harrison pics

And at the end of the is Kinley..pooped and naked due to an incident with a dog's water bowl.
It was a wonderful day! We are so thankful to everyone!
So sweet! I love the picture of Kinley hugging your dad, that is so cute. I can't wait to see ya'll!!!
im kinda tearing up!! that is so sweet!! all the photos are so fantastic!! she looks so gorgeous in the white dress! and hilarious with gram and pops! i love that face!!
Thank you so much for posting this (especially the video). We HATED having to miss this special day!!!!
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