This was the first year we spent actual Christmas morning at this house.
We normally are traveling or at the lake or have slept at our parents house even.
It was so fun to have our first Christmas in this house together.
We made sure to sprinkle out some reindeer food on the lawn and leave cookies and milk for Santa so he would know where we were!
We also made sure to leave Santa some cookies and milk and he even wrote us a letter back!
He also made sure to take our elf, Buddy Snowflake, back with him who left us one final note for the Christmas season to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.
Alex set up a special camera and caught Santa in the act of eating the cookies we left!
Santa goodies for Kinley, Ty, Dylan, the whole family, and Haley too!
We spent Christmas morning with the Harrisons at our house opening presents, seeing what Santa brought and having brunch.
We lounged all day, ate, played games and just took it easy.
For some reason, Dylan wasn't having the grandkid pic
This year was the year of the Hatchimal and it was like the most difficult present to find and people were stalking websites, standing in lines for hours before stores opened to get them, and paying hundreds of dollars for these. There was NO way I was even going to spend more than the 5 minutes it would normally take to click a button to buy it online to get one of these things.
kept telling Kinley NOT to expect a Hatchimal, that they were sold out everywhere and do NOT get your hopes up we would try to get one for her birthday in a few months.
But, I swear she thought I was kidding.
She would wink and say "Ok, Mom :)" and i just kept having to re-emphasize that "NO! You will NOT get one!"
But, I was worried she would be a little disappointed still on Christmas morning.
(insert eye roll here)
However, lo-and-behold on Christmas eve after all the services I get a call from Leslie saying she just happened to have an EXTRA, FREE Hatchimal and wanted to see if Kinley wanted it for Christmas. AG's grandma, Coco - who I like to call our fairy god-mother, had bought too many and AG wanted Kinley to have the extra one.
AH! Christmas miracle thanks to Coco :)
I explained it all to Kinley and she was beside herself excited.
Turns out there is a class-action lawsuit against these Hatchimals because most of them DIDN'T HATCH. Ours did take hours when it was supposed to only take 20 minutes but it made Christmas day pretty exciting with Kinley yelling every five minutes for us to watch the Hatchimal make a tiny poke in its shell.
We had a delicious Christmas dinner over at Alex & Mendy's house.
It was such a special day!

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