Tuesday, January 2, 2018

JK's in Need

During the course of the 2017 Kinley and Jaymes created a charity called "JK's in Need." 
Every time they get together they try to do something related to JK's in Need. 
 They have been raising and counting coins and dollar bills all year. 
They do lemonade stands, cookie stands, farm fresh (backyard) egg stands. 
They make signs, put on and perform shows (mainly for their siblings and parents) for JK's in Need. Their end goal was to be able to take some money to the children's hospital and buy treats for the patients with their money. 
 Their hearts are so precious and their creativity in dreaming up ways to raise funds is inspiring. 
November November 
Christy took them to Cook's Childrens to visit her sister who is a nurse there and they met with her and donated their money to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund because that is where works and also because that is where Ben was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 11 years old. 

I am SO proud of these girls and their hard work, dedication and selfless hearts. 
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A couple weeks later we got the sweetest hand written note in the mail from the Cooks Children's Health Foundation. It was a wonderful way to start the new year! 
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I can't wait to see what they do with JK's in Need this year!

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