Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Kinley's Eye Injury

We had such a blast meeting up with the Booths and Barstads to celebrate McKenna's 7th birthday.
We met at Dave & Busters's by our house and played our hearts out, accumulated something crazy like 14,000 tickets or something, ate lunch and sang Happy Birthday.
 Then the Barstads came over to play.
Kinley’s eye injury
About the time they were soon to pack up and leave, Kinley came running inside with blood streaming down her face saying "i'm ok, I'm ok, it doesn't hurt..." over and over.
But it was bad.

 Apparently she was doing the zipline and after she finished and was getting off the seat, it swung back and popped her in the eye.
 I think the big plastic seat was pretty much like a huge block of ice since it had been below freezing the day before.

We took one quick look at it and knew she needed to go to the ER.
I called mom and she came over and drove Kinley and I to the local urgent care and stayed with us until Ben could get there.
Kristen stayed with the rest of our kids until my mom could come back and relieve her.
We checked in the urgent care and they confirmed needing stitches but something just didn't feel right.
They told me a doctor wasn't even going to stitch her up, just the on-call nurse.
 No offense to her, but I was wanting a little bit more careful and detailed attention to a huge cut on her face.
 Kinley’s eye injury Kinley’s eye injury Kinley’s eye injury

So we packed up and left and went downtown to Cooks Children's Ft Worth.
As soon as we checked in there, they pulled up all our info from the urgent care center and got her back to a room. 
Kinley’s eye injury 
They also confirmed the need for stitches over glue and called in the Wound Care Specialists to do them. 
 This is the BEST news and the BEST thing about going to Cooks Ft Worth for stitches. Their wound care specialists are trained and work every day with plastic surgeons. They do this all day long, ever day, for years and are incredible! They brought in a child advocate to help Kinley calm down. She still very much remembers when she had to get stitches in her hand and is still traumatized from being held in the straight jacket. It was horrible. So this girl was incredible. She calmed her down and held an ipad for her to watch a show above her head the whole time. 
Kinley’s eye injury 
Our specialist was the NICEST man and he walked Kinley through every step and procedure and was amazing. 
He even let me take some pretty close up pictures after he cleaned the wound.
 Its pretty nasty if you zoom in.
 Kinley’s eye injury 
She ended up needing 14 stitches. 
 More than her hand injury. 
Some under the skin and some on top. 
Kinley’s eye injury Kinley’s eye injury Kinley’s eye injury 
Only 5 days later they wanted to take the stitches out so that she didn't get scarring and railroad track marks on her face. 
 Everything is different when they do stitches on your face. 
We went back to Cooks, and again, a Wound Care Specialist removed her stitches so carefully. then she had to wear steri-strip for 2 weeks until it fell off.
Anniversary trip to Vail, CO
Post stitches but before Steri strip. They seriously did AMAZING and approximated the cut so well.
 Anniversary trip to Vail, CO
 Anniversary trip to Vail, CO 

Kinley was SUCH a trooper through the whole experience. 
And although it was not the way I would have wanted to start the New Year, I loved how brave she was and learning so much more about Cooks Childrens hospital. 
 I can't say enough good things.

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