Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve

We had a very small, impromptu New Years' Eve with family. 
 Kinley and I were really wanting a balloon drop and I finally found a good use for the horrible octagon shaped hole in my dining room.
 A few balloons and a little clear cellophane and voila! 
 I put up some butcher paper and had people write some goals for the new year.
The night was full of games and music and fun and yummy brisket Ben smoked  on the green egg.
Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled 

A big sleepover means New Years Day breakfast!
My least favorite thing about Christmas being over is having to take down all my Christmas cards. I LOVE seeing these precious faces of family and friends each day. 

(Sidenote: If you send a Christmas card...ALWAYS send a picture. Because otherwise, does it really count!? I want to see your beautiful faces!!)

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