Friday, December 23, 2016

December Christmas stuff - Grapevine fun, Christmas lights, school parties, carriage rides and more!

We went to watch the Grapevine tree lighting on Main Street with our not-so-small, small group. 
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Grapevine Parade of Lights was extra fun this year because Meyer's Pool Care entered a float in the parade and lots of our playgroup kids got to ride in the parade.
We still utilized my dad's building on Main Street to watch the parade for all the littles and it was so fun seeing our big kids go by waving!
December December December December December
Uncle Alex helping hold down the fort with these boys
Ryan kept an eye on Kinley for me since Ben was in NYC for work on the night of the parade. She had fun and I am thankful he took some pics for me!
December December

We went with the Nordell's one evening to just walk around Main Street and look at the lights, have dinner and enjoy the Christmas Capital of Texas.
Light Tunnel
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Annual Mistletoe Booth pics
December December December
These animated, singing snowmen were new this year and such a cute show to watch.
 Ty and Ryland pretending to sled
Hot Chocolate purchase at Main Street Bakery
December December
Group pic in the sleigh
Another night we went to walk around the Gaylord and have dinner and look at the lights!
 I guess Dylan wasn't a fan of the sleigh pic this time
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We went to drive through the Texas Night before Christmas lights with hot chocolate and friends and Mendy & Alex and Cannon too!
 December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities

School Christmas parties for Kinley and Ty were on different days this year (WIN!) so I got to go to both!
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 Christmas PJ day for the boys
 December Christmas activities
Ty's christmas party
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 Rocking this baby at night by the light of his little Christmas tree was just magical.
I know this might be the last year for it and I treasured every moment
Kinley dressed herself as an elf reading us the Christmas Story
December December

We busted out the Compass Kids Birthday cake baking bag that our church gave out with the Williams and made Happy Birthday Jesus cupcakes.  
We sang happy birthday and everything.  
Christmas week Christmas week
Ben and Eric even got into the spirit
Untitled Christmas week Christmas week 

 Joyner Family Christmas get-together at Aunt Jan's was fun!
 Kinley loved reading The Christmas Story to the littles. 

We did the COOLEST carriage ride Christmas Light tour in Dallas with my whole family one night and it was just the best! 
We all met for dinner and then had a late carriage ride with hot chocolate and blankets and non-stop caroling. 
It was so fun! 
Christmas week Christmas week Christmas week Christmas week Christmas week Christmas week
Christmas week 
It's just the best time of the year!

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