Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Performances, Shows and a Santa Pic

For the first time Compass had a Kids Choir this Christmas season!
Ali and her mom were the amazing directors and put on a fantastic show.
They had over 75 kids want to join the choir within like 24 hours of announcing it.
The kids practiced on Sunday mornings for 6 weeks and the end product was incredible! I just LOVED hearing their sweet little voices praise the Lord.
And they totally get me when the do the sign language.
It is just so sweet!
We can't wait for Kids Choir to come back again!!!
December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities

I just happened to also be on Worship Team the same weekend as Kids Choir and it was so fun getting to spend lots of quality time back stage and onstage with Kinley.
December Christmas activities

A few of the Kids choir members had the opportunity to do a little 30 minute set performance at the Stockyards one Saturday.
Kinley had her solo debut and sang "Up on the Housetop" and she did so good! 
December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities 

Kinley also had her first piano recital the same weekend as Kids Choir performances.  
 I could tell she was super nervous but I am so proud of her for working hard on her new skill! Recitals will just get easier as she gets more comfortable performing. 
And we LOVE Ms. Taylor! 
She is so patient and kind and encouraging to Kinley. 
 She makes piano so fun! 
December Christmas activities December Christmas activities 
We got to go see a Christmas performance at Casa Manana too called "Santa Claus, a New Musical." We love the Casa shows with Honey! 
They are such a treat. 
We also love that Amy, Aunt Jan, Rilee and Taylor have season tickets now!

 December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities 
The kids got to write letters to Santa before the show and even got their picture with Santa! 
December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities December Christmas activities 
When I don't have a kid crying in my Santa pic, I think I will be sad. They are priceless. 
December Christmas activities

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