Monday, December 19, 2016

More December Fun - date nights, playdates, grandmas and even the Bachelor!

We did an Escape room for Eric's birthday with some of our couple friends and it was SO fun.
Seriously, more fun than I've had in a while.
They lock you in a room and you have to solve clues and unlock doors to escape within 60 minutes.
We didn't succeed or fulfill our mission but we were SO close and had SO much fun!
December December December

RigUp Christmas party in Austin made for a fun overnight getaway with this handsome stud!
December Christmas activities
 I got to babysit Cannon a few times during December.
Mendy had a work event all day one day and she and Alex had a couple of evening date nights planned and it was SO fun! I love this boy so much.
He is just like one of my own and he just fits right in the mix and gives me all sorts of time for sweet baby cuddles.
We take lots of pictures to send to Mendy.
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I love that I get to go visit BOTH of my grandmother's more often now.
We went after church one day to visit Inie and made ourselves right at home.
The boys in Bull's baby rocking chair. I think every grandkid and great-grandkid has taken pictures in this chair.
Alllllll the Dylan faces trying to take his picture were too cute to choose from
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Mom and the kids and I went to visit Momma Gay one day and I have told my kids for years about Pepa's missing big toe.
I guess they never saw it before he passed away.
But, when he was younger he accidentally pushed the lawn mower over his shoe and cut off his big toe.
He lived the rest of his life with just 9 toes.
He had all those crazy missing-limb stories about how he still could feel it and it would itch and everything even though it was missing. He even kept the shoes that he was wearing when it happened.
I finally remembered to get them out while we were there and my kids could not get over it. 
December December December December

Momma Gay has gotten really into puzzles lately and it has rubbed off on my kids. They borrowed this glow-in-the-dark one from Momma Gay and took it home to do and took a picture to send to her of it completed. 

Kinley and JJ putting on a Christmas show one day during a play date
December December
 Kai has been joining JJ when she comes over to come play with Kinley and is so sweet to play with Ty and Dylan.
Ty just looks up to Kai so, so much and he is such a great example for Ty to be around.
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We loved watching the Cowboys have a great football season! When I told Dylan to go get his cowboys jersey, he put on his cowboy boots :) 
Playdates with RyRy are a dream for both Ty and Dylan
 December Christmas activities

 Chickens are crazy...sometimes they fly up on the roof of their coop and I can see them out the kitchen is Lulu saying hi! December Christmas activities

 If you are a fan of "The Bachelor"...keep reading.
If not, you might want to become one.
Turns out the Bachelor put out a brand of wine. Genius. And it just so happens that Mendy's friend is a photographer and her uncle is a producer on the bachelor and asked Mendy if she could use her new amazing house to take promo pics of the new bachelor wine.
 And, by the way, could she ask a few friends to come over and try it and take pics too. It was such a fun night!

I genuinely DO STILL watch the Bachelor and luckily so does Allison and right away, I knew she had to come too.
We signed some waivers, drank a little wine...which was actually pretty good, and watched old highlights of the Bachelor. It was pretty awesome.
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Lots of my faves all in one place :)
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It's been fun seeing the pics on Instagram and spotting a few familiar faces :)
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 Doesn't Mendy have a great pour?
 In reality, if we took pics of what we look like watching The Bachelor, we would be in sweats with no makeup. But, this was fun anyway.

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