Thursday, May 17, 2018

Playing hooky with Ty

I surprised Ty and took him out of school one of the days that there was STAAR testing in the older grades.
 I seem to get more one on one time with both Kinley and Dylan than I do with Ty. 
 Kinley and I have lots of girl time and Dylan is still home many days the other two aren't. 
So I wanted to get some time with Ty and do something special with just him. 
 So I showed up at school and told him we were going to Six Flags! 

 It was that magical time in May when the park is open on weekdays, but schools are still in session.
 I will probably do this every year.
 It was so fun. We didn't wait in one line. Ty got to pick every ride and ride it as many times as he wanted. 

This boy is something special. 
 He is growing more and more every day. 
 His fun, silly, spontaneous side of him is one of my very favorite things about him. 
 He LOVES life. 
 It can also be one of our biggest challenges to try to reign him in when appropriate. 
 I never want to crush his vibrant and resilient spirit. 
As he matures and refines and God sharpens him, it will be his greatest asset.
 I learn so much from Ty. 
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 I talked to Ali on my way to the park and she decided to grab Hud and come out and meet us too.
 It was so fun!!
 The boys had the best time together being silly and playing. 
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 We were at the park when it opened and sprinted to the car to get home to pick up Dylan from school. 
It was the best day!

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