Friday, May 25, 2018

More May - family time, lake time, parties and mothers day

The Sandifers' Cinco de Derby party is the first weekend of May and it is the most fun party where we celebrate Cinco de Mayo and the Kentucky Derby at the same time. 
You dress for whichever occasion you want and come ready to have some fun! 
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 Ty FINALLY lost his first tooth at the very end of the school year in May. He was SO excited.
 He told me constantly how he was the last one to lose a tooth in his Kinder class. 
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Of course the tooth fairy doesn't come in our house unless you write her a note. 
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Poor Kinley had a nasty tummy bug and spent a few days under the weather. 
When she fell asleep on my lap at the doctor's office, I knew she was feeling bad. 
May pt 1 
She is so tiny that it takes her little body a while to kick things. 
But, she loved camping out in our bedroom and using the chaise lounge as her own bed for a few nights.
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 These are the sweetest daddy moments. 
Not many would help cut and paint toenails but this guy is the BEST.
May 2 
 We went to the lake just the 5 of us one weekend. 
We love trying to do that at least once a year. Kinley was still feeling a tad under the weather but I loved the extra snuggles on the boat. 
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Had the best time celebrating Cannon's 2nd birthday! 
 He is such a GIFT to our family. 
We claim him as our 4th child all the time because he totally can pass for it. 
 I barely let a day go by without seeing him and we cant WAIT for his baby brother to be here in just a few short weeks! 
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 His party was such a good time. 
 My kids just adore Cannon and there is no shortage of pics of them squeezing him and loving on him.
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Kinley took a turn with my camera and took some party pics too. 
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Can't wait for these three babies to pop out soon! 
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A couple more fun days with Cannon - celebrating at Pops & Grams and with snow cones after school one day with Easton too. 
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Mother's Day we went to church as a family and then spent the afternoon at Honey & Boss' swimming and grilling out with Mom and Inie as well as Mendy and Cheryl. 
 So many amazing moms that have shaped me and helped me navigate motherhood. 
So very thankful for these matriarchs and women I admire so much. 
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It's feeling a little more like summer and we are jonesing for some lake time. 
We even did a school night rendezvous with the Nordells to lake Grapevine while the boat was in town before going back to Cedar Creek.
 It was a GORGEOUS night. 
We cruised the lake, ordered food from Big Daddy's, listened to the live music and played at the park on the lake.
 It was so fun and I can't wait for some summertime!
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Fun Memorial Day at the Nordells with friends, complete with my freedom fanny, of course! 
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