Monday, April 16, 2018

Ty - Dallas Zoo Field Trip

I love school field trips!
One of my very favorite things to do as a parent. Such special one on one time. 
It is always eye-opening to see your child interact with their teachers and peers. 
 Sometimes it brings total joy and sometimes indicates areas where we need to grow and guide a little more. 
Either way, it is such special time that I love so much. 
I am so glad Ty still wants to be with me and enjoys when I come with him on field trips. 
I will be so sad the day he doesn't run up to me and give me hugs and kisses and smile for selfies with me. 
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Ty chose the Bald Eagle as his animal to research at the zoo.
 He has been very in to bald eagles all year. 
April pt 2 

Ty has befriended a group of six boys in his Kinder class. 
 They can be a tad wild (God bless Mrs. Richardson) but they are really sweet and they LOVE each other.
I love seeing him create new friendships on his own apart from my friends kids that I made for him.  
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 hmmm....who's child looks the craziest???
 April pt 2 

So thankful for Ty picking this sweet boy, Aiden, as his little bestie. 
Here they are posing with Mrs. Richardson and Ms. Adams (the best student teacher ever). 
April pt 2 
 Aiden is the most precious friend with an amazing family that we have grown to love and become family friends with. 
Such a blessing from the Lord in a friend for Ty. 
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Cute Class pic
April pt 2

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