Thursday, April 26, 2018

Egg Drop Contest

Ty has been waiting since Kinley was in Kinder to participate in our school's Egg Drop contest. 
Basically you just create a contraption, within some guidelines, and put an egg inside. 
The principal throws it off the roof and you see if your egg survives. 
 This was our first year to participate and we were SO excited.
 Ben helped both kids enter the contest and engineer their contraptions.
 Both kids projects included lots of polyfill...which Dylan loved to use make himself look like Santa.
More April More April 
 Before Ty's drop 
More April 
Checking to see if his egg survived.
 More April More April More April 

Kinley's turn to have hers drop!
 More April 
Checking her egg 
April April April 
 Well, both our egg drop projects were unsuccessful this year! 
 We will have to re-think our strategy and try again next year! 
But, we had SO MUCH FUN!

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