Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Compass Christmas Video

We spent Tuesday of Thanksgiving week as a family (and with multiple other families) shooting a video for all of the Compass Christmas services.
It was such an honor to be asked to be in this video.
 It was a feature during the service and a tangible memory we will have for a lifetime! 

Cannon spent the first half of the day with us as our fourth child (while Mendy had a dr apt) filming the extended family Christmas dinner scene. 
The second half of the day the kids were all dressed up as different characters from the Christmas story. 
 I only have pictures from the second half of the day but a link to the full video is below. 
It's LONG. 
So if you end up watching...just beware. 
 But, I think it's TOTALLY worth the watch and I want to have it linked at the bottom.

Beautiful Angels
 Nov 2017 
Handsome Shepherds
 Nov 2017 
My little angel and star leading the Wise Men  Nov 2017 Nov 2017 Nov 2017 
 playing in the sandbox between takes
 Nov 2017 Nov 2017 

All the kids for the manger scene 
Nov 2017 Nov 2017 Untitled  

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