Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Six Flags with Anson

Well, we just had the best day ever at Six Flags introducing Anson to all of it's glory.  
We rode all the rides we could, ate all the bad food possible and looked at the map 10,000 times . 
It was glorious. 
 I know we pushed him on rides he was fearful of. 
 I think every ride he said "No, I dont think I want to" at least once, but he ended up doing it without protest and loving every one! 
He was SO brave!  I was so incredibly proud of him and it was SO MUCH FUN! 
 Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson 
 When Honey goes with you, you get to buy the ride pictures and I am so glad we did.
 Look how calm Anson is, compared to Kinley. 
Cant stop laughing.
 Six flags with Anson Six flags with Anson 
Anson drew the line on the water ride at the very end of the day.
Smartest kid ever. 
We all had to ride home soaking wet. 
We should always take Anson's advice. 
We learned this lesson early and the hard way. 
Six flags with Anson
 I can't wait for more Six Flags days! 

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