Friday, August 18, 2017

Kinley's Tea Party

Pretty early on in the summer, Mendy told Kinley she wanted to throw her a back to school tea party. 
Mendy goes above and beyond to make Kinley feel so special as the only girl around most of the time. She wanted to start this tradition special just for her.
 She and Kinley spent some time planning the food and drinks for the party.
It was so special.
 I pretty much stayed out of the entire thing.
This was just between the two of them. I just got to show up.
Mendy created this invitation and mailed it to a just a handful of neighborhood and Girl Scout friends.
 It is just gorgeous.
 There is NOTHING she cant do.
Kinley’s tea party 

We showed up the day of the tea party and the decorations were just precious. 
 She had personalized party favors for all the girls, travel combs with mirrors and a note that said "You are Loved. You are Enough. You are His. OWN THAT" 
She had a craft for all the girls to do and pearls to wear. 

And her signs and theme of the party was just to encourage each girl to just be exactly who God made them to be.
 No one else. 
Just themselves. 
This is a HUGE message Ben and I are praying over Kinley right now. 
We know 3rd Grade is going to step it up a notch academically for Kinley and she will have to work hard, harder than lots of others. 
 People are finding their "niche" or sport that they are excelling in. 
And it is just a message we really want Kinley to know with all her heart.
 That she is EXACTLY who she is supposed to be in Christ. 
 He has a perfect plan and purpose for her specifically and He will lead her through it and thrive.
 And, it totally goes along with our favorite Aunt Minnie saying "You Do You" :) 

Mendy prayed over the girls and it was beautiful and encouraging and just such an incredible gift.  
Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Untitled Untitled Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party 
 SO thankful for these incredible women in Kinley's life that pour into her regularly and with their whole heart. 
Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party Kinley’s tea party 
My heart was bursting after this tea party. 
 Kinley beamed with confidence and joy and excitement for the school year to come where once there had been trepidation, fear and worry. 
Oh what just a couple hours of investing, focusing, and pouring into her brought out. 
Thank you Aunt Minnie! 
 I am so excited for this tradition each year. 
 Just to see how she grows and changes and what struggles and triumphs each year will bring. 
 Thank you!

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