Saturday, November 28, 2015

More November

Maddi had a My Little Pony birthday party and it was so fun.
  More November 2015More November 2015 More November 2015
Even Dylan got in on the pony riding action!
More November 2015 More November 2015

We had a cousin get together at David and Kristi's and for some crazy reason, this is my only picture. Kid dinner table. Can't wait for Christmas with the Howe side. I will be better about pics!
  More November 2015

 We could not wait to put on Christmas pj's from Aunt Minnie. More November 2015 We even made Anson match us (twice!)one night at Honey's house for a pre-thanksgiving Howe get together.
Kinley's school work
Dylan's new cheese face :)
Kinley's school work Kinley's school work
No success with pjs this time...good thing we still have a few Christmas get-togethers to get it right!
Kinley's school work
Shout out to cheese face on the fireplace.
Kinley's school work 

Dylan had his ear re-check with the ENT for his tubes and he is still looking good! Another follow up in six months to see if they have fallen out by then. She thinks probably so.
  More November 2015 More November 2015
He's just telling himself he is one year old.
More November 2015
If picking your nose or sticking your hands down your diaper makes your tubes fall out faster then we may be in trouble. But for now, we will wait for the follow up appointment.
More November 2015
 Dylan has also had an intense love for Haley. He crawls over her, pets her, chases her. Just like Kinley and Ty did at his age.
 She is the BEST, most patient dog.
  More November 2015 More November 2015
 Ben and I went to see Kinky Boots at Bass Hall. The music was all by Cindi Lauper and was fantastic.
 I love date nights with my man.
More November 2015
Had to take a pic with the boots.
More November 2015

 We went to the Nordells one night to visit their Thanksgiving break guests. Nibbles and Fluffy are the Guinea pig class pets in Ella's class. I think every kid wanted their own guinea pig after cuddling with these two.
More November 2015

The Fogles came in town for Thanksgiving!!!!
 It feels like old times and I LOVE it! All our kids love each other and play perfectly (and so do the parents). We all went to La Hacienda after church on Sunday and they came over Monday afternoon/evening.
 I would force them to never leave my house while they are in town if I could.
More November 2015 More November 2015 More November 2015

We went to Grapevine Mills mall one day with Honey to do some Christmas shopping, food court eating and carousel riding.
More November 2015
We also randomly decided to visit Santa because there was no line. I know we will see him at least one other time but, it was fun to have this picture. I can't believe how big Dylan was smiling!!

We went to look at the Christmas lights on Grapevine Main Street one night and drove thru to get some Starbucks hot chocolate on our way. More November 2015
Christmas on Main Street Christmas on Main Street
  Christmas on Main Street
Mistletoe Booth!
Christmas on Main Street Christmas on Main Street
It wasn't even planned but we ran into the Bartels up there!
 So much fun.
 Last outing with them before John Wyatt!
Christmas on Main Street Christmas on Main Street Christmas on Main Street Christmas on Main Street

 John Wyatt finally made his debut! 5 days late, after all Leslie's Thanksgiving visitors who were supposed to help her had come and gone. But, we were thrilled he waited until we were back from the lake so we could see him in the hospital!
 Loved the mumm from her shower on the hospital door. IMG_5445 More November 2015

We got into the Christmas spirit with a litle holiday decorating. More November 2015 More November 2015

And THIS really speaks life into my heart. We tell Kinley all the time we want her to know how to read really well so she can read the Bible.
 Here she is reading her Bible to Ty.
  More November 2015
 So excited for December festivities!

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