Friday, November 27, 2015

Harrison Lakehouse Thanksgiving

Gosh, I love holidays at the lakehouse. 
 It is so, so relaxing and calm and slow. I treasure it. 
 No phone, internet, tv, no real distractions. 
 Just lots of togetherness. 
 In the winter we can't even get on the water and this year, there was so much rain, we couldn't even go outside much. But, we never get bored and the 5 days/4 nights we were there still flew by. 
 We left Wednesday afternoon and got there in time to play outside a little on the swings and in the piles of leaves that the yard guy left for the kids to play in. Dylan is obsessed with being outside and swinging. 
 I love it.
  Thanksgiving 2015
Thursday was Thanksgiving and Pop's birthday. We started with a big pancake breakfast because it's his favorite. 
Thanksgiving 2015 
 We had about a half a day of daylight and no rain and my kids (and Gram) took advantage.
  IMG_5854 Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 
I also invested in a selfie stick for the first time and we couldn't get enough.
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 
Kinley and Ty got to help uncle Alex prepare the turkey for thanksgiving dinner. They loved injecting it with the garlic butter. 
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 
They were pros helping in the kitchen this time, where we spend lots of time. They helped Alex and Gram make meringue. 
Thanksgiving 2015 
Brinkley selfie
Thanksgiving 2015
We decided to make some costumes for dinner and turned some brown paper sacs into Indian vests. 
 Aunt Minnie even made Kinley a head piece. 
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015
Thanksgiving dinner selfie! 
Thanksgiving 2015 
It's not a party until Ty falls asleep on the couch in the middle of the fun. 
Thanksgiving 2015
Singing Happy Birthday to Pops 
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 
We spend a lot of time playing games at the lake. 
 Kinley was the perfect card dealer with her sequin visor hat. 
Thanksgiving 2015
We knew with the rain we wouldn't get to be outside much so we brought the bounce house and set it up on the screened in back porch. There was lots of jumping in the cold but, at least we weren't wet! 
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015
Can't handle the cuteness... Thanksgiving 2015 
never mind that he is wearing a hat with a bow on it. third child gets nothing new, even wears sister's old clothes. Thanksgiving 2015 
We do have a DVD player at the lake and watched a few movies together. Thanksgiving 2015
We even left the house one day and went to the movie theatre in town to see The Good Dinosaur and out to dinner.
 That was a first! It was fun!

 Picture theme of the week was definitely Kinley and the selfie stick.
A few more for your enjoyment.
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015
PS - this sweatshirt she is wearing is MINE from when I went to elementary school. True vintage straight from the back of a closet at Honey's house. Pretty cool.
Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015 Thanksgiving 2015

On a more serious note, this holiday season so far has been a little difficult for us.  We are going through some life changes and seasons that all families and people go through.  It has been tough but so sweet at the same time.  It has been such a great reminder to choose joy and to choose to focus on the true blessings and things we are thankful for in this life.
 Nothing fleeting or material. 
It is crazy how life can change from one minute to the next.
 The only constant is Jesus.
He is our source of joy and comfort and peace. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, He alone is secure on His throne with purpose and direction and perfect timing.

 As a family, we are so thankful and choose joy in Him and Him alone.

 I am beyond thankful for my husband and my three kids.
 I am overwhelmed with the blessing they are to me.

 And this holiday season, I am even more over-joyed for my new soon-to-be nephew. I am absolutely in love with his future parents and couldn't be more thankful for them in our life as aunt/uncle/brother/sister.
 They are amazing and will be the BEST parents.
 Life is not easy and can be totally unpredictable.
 But, through the good and bad, we cling to each other as family and most of all cling to JESUS who sustains us and changes us with each mountain and valley.
 I am overwhelmed with thankfulness.
Here is a pic of Mendy's cute growing baby belly...but, who is that dad??
Thanksgiving 2015
Happy Thanksgiving!

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