Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Firestation Visit

We've been to the Southlake Fire Department a few times but finally decided to give our local Colleyville guys some love and visited the station right next to Kinley's school one day with the boys in Ty's baseball class. 
Fire Station Visit
Couldn't get enough of Dylan in that cute fire hat.
Fire Station Visit Fire Station Visit
How many boys can we fit into a fireman's recliner?
Fire Station Visit
Taking turns in the driver's seat
 Fire Station Visit Fire Station Visit
Group shots on the fire truck!
 Fire Station Visit
Ya'll, I die at this one. Can not get over how SR is staring down Ryland. It makes me laugh so hard. Boys!
Fire Station Visit
Got one with the firemen too.
I also laugh when I see how Ty just voluntarily decided to hug one guy around the neck and cheese so big. Hysterical. These guys were troopers!
 . Fire Station Visit

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