Tuesday, November 10, 2015

2015-2016 School Pictures

So, Ty's preschool got all fancy with their pictures this year and decided on a non-traditional school photo and went for a more professional looking outdoor shoot. 
 I think it turned out really well for some people. 
For Ty on the other hand, I think they just went above and beyond on the color editing. 
 He has red hair in almost every pic. And he really has not an ounce of red hair on his head.
 I pretty much just wanted to buy a black and white one because it looks nothing like him. 
But, just for grins and memories...here are a few of the "red-headed-Ty" pics I took a screenshot of on my phone.
 School pics 2015 School pics 2015 School pics 2015 

The black and white ones were cute but, I just couldn't bring myself to buy a black and white school photo. 
 School pics 2015 School pics 2015 School pics 2015 
This is the only image I actually purchased. Super handsome with slightly less red hair.  When did he become a giant?

Kinley's school pics were taken later than normal in the first semester. If they had taken them in early fall I think she would have had a few more teeth. Like the week of her pictures she lost two teeth the same day within seconds of each other. They were both hanging by a thread and I barely touched them and they both came out. Two teeth in one night for the tooth fairy was fun! More November 2015 More November 2015
And this year, I am loving this toothless, beautiful, growing girl!

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