Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Valentines Day 2014 - way too late

We celebrated Valentines day around here but you wouldn't know it because I didn't take many pictures throughout the season of love.
We had Valentines playgroup at the beginning of Valentine's week at Stacee's house and all the kids brought and passed out their valentines to each other. We had valentines cupcakes and lots of fun play time.
We have been cutting out and decorating hearts constantly. I decided to tone down Valentines this year for Kinley's class. I think she is getting old enough to make her own and she doesn't really need me looking up a cute valentines idea on Pinterest and doing it for her.
But, it was a labor of love for her for sure. Between playgroup, family, and her class at school, she made probably 45 valentines.
She basically just stick heart stickers to paper cut out circles and hearts and signed them all "From Kinley."
We did decide to add a treat to the ones for her school friends after she passed a big box of ring pops at the grocery store.
Thanks to Kristen for her genius idea and tribute to Rihanna for this goodness
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I still did Ty's for him this year and loved this cute non-candy idea I saw. What 2 year old doesn't love a glow stick!?
They got little valentines treats at gymnastics this week.
We tried to take a pic but, this is truly the best we got.
So bad.  
Where's Ty?
and! I mean...look at how cute Tatum looks!?
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Both kids had valentines day parties at school. We aren't invited to Ty's yet so, I just took some brother/sister pictures at the beginning of the day.
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He was an excited little heartbreaker.
But, I got to go to Kinley's party. As always, team room Donna did a great job getting it all organized!
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I also had a couple treats at home for my little valentines at home.
  (Side note: seeing this picture is making me a little sad right now! If you notice, there are super empty shelves on the walls and that is because we've moved! We are in a new house as of this week and it is a lot of the reason why blogging has been so sporatic lately...but, more on that to come!)
And how sweet are Uncle Bart and Aunt Olivia sending sticker books to Kinley and Ty for valentines day! Ty got a book full of dinosaurs, trucks, construction equipment, and boy stuff and Kinley got a Frozen sticker book!
We were beside ourselves.
Thank you!!
It was a great valentines day!  We have so much more going on to blog about...and I can't wait to do a recap of the rest of February soon!

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