Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daddy Daughter Dance and Mommy Son Night 2014

The Daddy Daughter Dance is seriously Kinley's very favorite thing she gets to do the entire year. She looks so, so forward to it for months and is just giddy in anticipation of going. She loves that special one on one time with Ben and with all her little friends and their daddies too. Ben took her to dinner by herself for hibachi before and they met all their friends at the dance. And Compass does not disappoint. She comes home excited every time and says it was just the best night ever. They have food and crafts and photo booths and a candy bar and lots and lots of dancing music!
Ben got Kinley flowers again this year and she was in heaven.
  IMG_9681 IMG_9686 IMG_9693 IMG_9697 IMG_9696 IMG_9703 I took this off the church facebook page.
While they were gone, Ty and I had a special night of our own! We went to a Fort Worth Brahmas hockey game for a benefit night for a sweet family in our church, the Gabbards. The hockey night was to benefit their son, Kason, who was born with cerebal palsy and cortical vision impairment. It was such a special night to support friends and take some boys to a hockey game!
And it was some really fun time with this handsome boy!
We had so much fun with so many friends. Mindy and Markus were there and the Davidson's with their sweet twins Hadley and Jack Henry. IMG_9706
We ate cotton candy galore... IMG_9708 IMG_9709
This is how Ty says "cheese." He tries so hard to say it loud but he doesn't actually smile while saying it.
 Sweet boy.
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 The boys loved just being able to yell as loud as they wanted the whole time with no one telling them to be quiet. and just had too much fun without all their sisters around!
I love, love Daddy Daughter Dance and Mommy-Son night. I can't wait to continue on these special traditions every year!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Linds...I recently saw a post on Pintrest about a project you did long ago (2011) call " DIY TV Media center...yes its still brewing around; and I wanted to reach out to get a little more info. I read a lot of the comments about, but the question I was looking for was not answered. Hopefully you will be able to help. The L-Shaped brackets, how did you screw those into the wood? And what size screws did you use (if you remember). Thanks a lot, I know you are probably very busy, but if you have a moment I would love to know. I am going to attempt to do this same project ( all by myself)LOL! My name is Jasmine and my email address is Thanks Bunches!!!!
