Wednesday, September 4, 2013

while the dads are away...the children will play

Ben has had some really fun weekends away in the last month.  Three in a row actually...most recently dove hunting on opening day with his parents and the Reads, Fredericksburg the weekend before that, and before that his men's bible study weekend away at our lakehouse. 

I am beyond thankful for the men in Ben's bible study.  He is challenged and supported and held accountable by these men and it has been such a blessing for him and our whole family.  These guys love each other.  They text...and this is no  joke...probably 200 times a day in their group text.  Ben can be away from his phone 45 minutes and have 45 texts.  I have no idea what they all say to each other all day, all  I know is I hear that duck quack text notification all.the.time.  It just so happens that all the wives of his bible study men's group are also our playgroup moms.  We also group text but, the boys are definitely 100 times worse than us.  But, I am not complaining.  I am truly thankful for these godly and influential men and fathers.  I stole some pics off of Ben's phone (I am sure he got through text) and am blogging them without permission.
(sorry...kind of)

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Well, while the dad's were away regrouping and enjoying lots of golf and grilled food...we decided it would be a good idea to have a playgroup sleepover!  I am not sure what we were really thinking...11 kids and 5 moms under one roof...but, I would call it a success.  Everyone slept at some point. So, that counts, right!?
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We kept busy while dad was away with a couple more birthday parties.  Aubrey turned 5 and Kinley got to celebrate with just a handful of Aubrey's best friends at her SPA birthday party!  Nails and toenails painted, brunch and robes for party favors!  It was so, so cute and these girls loved it!!
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Since dad was gone, Ty had to come with me.  He enjoyed being the only boy for a bit and a cupcake too.
Sunday, when the dad's were back, we all had Arabella's birthday party at Keller Pointe.  We swam and celebrated Little Mermaid style.
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We post-partied on the playground outside where they apparently encourage parents to get their workout on while their kids play. Untitled Untitled To my dismay...AG taught Kinley to say "CG...wut wut!"
  (yes, they really say that at Camp Gladiator...but, I try to ignore it)  Untitled
It is so nice to keep busy and have lots of activities while dad is away...but, we are always so ready and excited for him to be home!


  1. I have basically fallen off the blog reading and writing band wagon but had a minute and wanted to check in on one of my fav blogs!! Love tehse pics. Kinley and Ty are just getting so big. Love that pic of Kinley at Aubrey's birthday party. And holy cow you are brave for doing that sleepover! So fun though! miss you!

  2. I still can't get over the sleepover! A dream come true!
