Tuesday, September 3, 2013

some special visitors!

I am very behind on blogging but in an effort to catch up, I have to post about a couple weekends ago when Jen, Eden and Jack came in town to visit!  It is hard to believe that it has been a year already since the Fogles moved to Illinois.  I am so thankful that we have remained such close friends despite the distance.  We all pick up right where we left off just like old times and it is just so fun!

We went to the water park one day and swam and played and ate lunch.
Eden in town Eden in town Eden in town
And we had a fantastic sleepover!  Kinley and Eden have wanted a sleepover since they could speak and this was really their first one.  It was so, so fun!  We went for snocones in our pjs, played outside, and watched late night movies. 
Eden in town Eden in town Eden in town Eden in town Eden in town Eden in town Eden in town
Mindy got to spend the night too and we had some fun girl time chatting and watching movies after the kids went to bed. I am so, so thankful for these sweet friends. I don't know what I would do without these girls!?
Eden in town
It was just the most fun!  I can't wait till they come visit again.  I think a sleepover with the Fogles and Aunt Mindy is required on every visit now.

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