Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ty Turns Two - Party Prep & Inspiration

I have known for months that I wanted to do a Donut party for Ty's birthday. I tried to talk Kinley into doing one for her 4th birthday but, she really wanted a cowgirl party. Since Ty is not quite as insistent yet, I decided to postpone donuts for his birthday. There is no real reason why I wanted a donut party except for the fact that I really wanted to do easy food and a brunch party. Plus, donuts is always a favorite in our house. Both kids love them and eat a ton of them every time we go. 

 The only thing I knew immediately was that I wanted to do brown bag cardstock invites with simple black ink. I wanted a truly "boyish" color scheme to this party. Every donut party I have seen before was girly with lots of pink and I definitely wanted to "boy" it up.  

To re-emphasize the color scheme I made some paper circle and tissue tassel bunting. 
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I also saw this easy donut display by How Does She? and decided I had to make it! It was the perfect way to display all those donuts! 

 The chalkboards...oh the chalkboards. I also really wanted to do a chalkboard menu behind the donut display like you would see in an actual donut shop. I got a large piece of plywood and painted it with chalkboard paint. I measured and cut it to fit in my kitchen window seat. 

There was a smaller piece left over that I wanted to make use of also. I found this awesome quote and asked Mendy if she would write it in her handwriting on the chalkboard since hers is better than mine. Oh Mendy....she always goes above and beyond and there is nothing she can't do. Watching her work in such detail was incredible and it turned out like a work of art. 

Nothing like a work of art like that to totally throw me off guard and make me panic that this HUGE chalkboard I had left needed to be somewhat comparable to what Mendy did. It took a while but, I think in the end it was totally worth it. I love it so much more than if I would have just written it in my own bad handwriting. 
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 I saw this tutorial about making easy sock donuts and made way too many. It was just so fun trying to decorate with puff paint like it was icing. This is seriously such an easy project. No sew just cut, roll, glue and puff paint. We are exciting about having the left overs of these in our play kitchen. Untitled
The kids loved playing with these during the days before the party too!
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Kinley was such a fun helper for party prep this time. Our favorite thing to do together was to melt all our used crayons down into donut crayons! She did a great job helping me peel the crayons and group them in similar colors. Untitled Since I couldn't make a neon sign, I decided to finally make a DIY Marquee 'DONUTS' sign.

 And because I am too lazy to make my own piƱata...I just ordered a cheap one that was black and in the shape of a circle and before you know it...Power Rangers turned into donuts!
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I decided to get aprons for all the kids as party favors because eating donuts can be messy.  I ordered them from a discount teacher supply store for like $2 a piece and decided to screen print a donut with each kid's name on them using vinyl and my silhouette.  These may look time consuming but, it really was so, so easy!
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More party pics to come!  Stay tuned!

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