Friday, May 3, 2013


Here are a few things we have been doing lately....

Last weekend we went on Saturday night to the Fort Worth Main Street Arts Festival with Pops, Gram, Mendy & Alex. We ate dinner, listened to some music, and walked around a little. There was a big kids area set up but, we were too late and missed most of it but face painting was still open and Ty had his first face paint experience.
As fast as she could that sweet girl drew a little green snake on his cheek.
face paint 5 face paint 3
 And Kinley wanted a butterfly face. face paint 1 face paint 4
Ty got really sick with a virus for about a week. He had a really high fever like 103 for a few days and then got a rash after that for a couple more days. Poor baby...he was such a trooper through it all. He laid on me for days, just wanting to cuddle. He was so, so sweet though. Whenever I would even get my phone out he would say "cheese" like he wanted me to take his picture. ty sick 3
But he really felt like this...
ty sick 2 ty sick 4 ty sick 1
We stayed in and had family movie night to watch Shrek one night and it was a hit all around.
apr 2 apr 1

Kinley got to go with Honey one day to visit Momma Gay and Pepa. They had a great time looking at the tomato plants in Momma Gay's garden and watched Pepa (with a magnifying glass) put out some ant killer when she saw and ant pile.
MG & pepa 4 MG & pepa 3 MG & pepa 5 MG & pepa 2 MG & Pepa 1

Once Ty's fever broke, and before the rash, we took a trip to Grapevine Mills with Mendy, and had lunch, shopped a little and rode the carousel and some other rides. mall 5 mall 4 mall 3 mall 2 mall 1

Oh...and while we were there, Ben saved a kid from choking by performing the Heimlich on him. I didn't see it...but, he was like hero of the day as people were passing him by. He said as soon as it was over and he knew the little boy would be ok, he prayed to God that he would never have to do that again! 

Kinley was a total trooper while Ty was sick. She played in the backyard, blew some bubbles like a diva, went to the grocery store with me and was rewarded with the little ride at Walmart...pretty sad. bubbles apr 6

So after Saturday we had a little girls time and we went for a pedicure with Honey and did some shopping just as girls. apr 5
Oh, and for the past two weeks I have been getting up in the mornings a few times a week to do Camp Gladiator at 5 am. Leslie talked me into it. I am trying to see it as the new normal to go to bed early and get up at 4:45 three days a week. We workout in a Hobby Lobby parking lot but, its weird to see it while completely dark outside.
This weekend we are going to the lake with the Harrison family.  Can't wait for summer sunshine and the lake!

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