Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Harrison Family Lake Weekend

We had our first lake weekend of the summer this past weekend. It was a great way to kick it all off with just a quiet immediate Harrison family gathering. It is not often that it is just the eight of us are down there because we love having as many family and friends down as possible but, it was a fun weekend of quality time.
 Gram bought Kinley some birthday cake ice cream that she requested and it was a hit with both kiddos.
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It was a little exciting Saturday morning when Ben and Alex discovered a snake down below our property close to the water and busted out their man-skills and chopped it in half with an axe and a shovel. Since me and the kids were watching from the porch, I can't tell you for certain who make the kill strike but, if you ask each of them you will get a different story...boys:) Apparently it was a 'banded water snake' and not poisonous...but, it was still terrifying.
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the axe next to the snake for scale...
Even thought it was a little chilly in the shade still, the sun was warm and beautiful and we spent saturday in the sand and out on the dock.
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Most of Saturday we spent outside near the porch where the boys were smoking ribs.
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Shout out to Silent Night Outdoors who reps these awesome Icehole coolers. Ben can get you one if you want :)
 Saturday night was filled with eating ribs, playing pinochle games, and a family Bob Marley dance party.
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And what dance party doesn't end with spraying uncle alex in the face with silly string!?
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I think I will be at the lake every weekend except for one this May so there are many more lake weekend pics to come.

1 comment:

  1. what a fun time! minus the snake part.... we have a HUGE snake living under our patio & the snake trap the animal control guy gave us didn't work. He has to come out and get it himself. Snakes are so scary!
