Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Flying H Boys Weekend and Honey's Birthday

Happy Birthday Honey! 
I really cannot say how absolutely thankful I am for my mom. She helps me out so much with my kids and keeps them so I can work. She is my sounding board for all things 'mom' and she is just one of my very best friends. We laugh together, cry together, and just love to spend time together. I could not ask for more. She is such an example of faithfulness to me as a wife, mother and friend. She is loyal, loving, supportive and just fun to be around. 
 I am so blessed. 
 But, back to the birthday later.... 

 Also, this past weekend all the boys on the Howe side of the family had their annual Flying H guys weekend at the Ranch. It is such a priority in the lives of each of these men. Every person makes the effort to be there...even if traveling from out of the state like Bart from Boston and Sean from Atlanta. 
 It is a rough, dirty weekend of work and play, camping, hunting, sleeping and cooking outside. I don't exaggerate the dirty aspect. 
 When Ben got home on Sunday he was in the exact same clothes he left in on Friday morning. He said he did not even know if he brushed his teeth the whole weekend. 
But, they love it and look forward to it each year and I think they really do help Bull out so much. Many of these men, my dad included, have poured their life into this ranch and helping out Bull. Summer months, year-around, weekend trips or whatever. 
 They live and breathe this ranch.    IMG_3747 
It is a great time of renewal and 'guy' time for each of them and I am super supportive of the tradition. It will be crazy when our sons join this trip. I asked Ben to take some pictures but, he didn't so I stole some from Matt and Bart. Here is the camp-site they set up. Over the years they have accumulated "shelter" in the form of a train car and an old RV. They set these things up with bunk beds and heaters and can sleep like 10 people or something.    IMG_3749 
They also set up a tent and an outdoor kitchen. Apparently Josh could run a restaurant on the amount of campfire kitchen utensils and pots and pans he has. They eat good too. They cook ribs or steaks or something and chow down.  IMG_3750 
They trapped a pig and I think let Sean shoot it since he was the only one who hadn't shot a pig before.    IMG_3752 
And tried for a group pic but only after Matt and Chris had left on Sunday....I totally love the effort...but, such boys.
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My dad also got these cool, custom belt buckles for everyone. They are a huge hit.

While they were away, we had a little get together to meet Lola Cooper Knowles. Sean and Camila drove from Atlanta with their precious 5 week old tiny baby girl. They are my heroes driving across country with their family of 5. She was precious and tiny but, I don't have one picture of her. Fail. 

 Here are a couple of the bigger kids playing and snacking.
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It looks like Winlon is thinking Kinley and Aubrey are crazy and that Aubrey is punching Kinley in the face but that is really Kinley's arm trying to hold on to the swing. 

Sunday afternoon after the boys were home from the Ranch we celebrated Honey's birthday at our house! I love hosting it and having everyone over. Kinley thought we couldn't have a party without decorations so we busted out some circle garland and the birthday girl glass for the occasion and made our makeshift dining room table that seats more than 4.
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Also, Kinley could not decide between a cake or cupcakes so we made both. She told are a lucky girl!
We missed Olivia but, it was so fun having all the rest of the family there. I didn't get one group pic but, we were all there. 
 Honey wanted a good pic of her and Boss with the kids...good luck with that....pic your poison.
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And they ended the night reading books to Kinley and Ty before bed. IMG_2899 IMG_2898 It was such a fun night and great way to end the family weekend. 

 Now my parents are off in Africa changing lives and serving God in the mission field. I am so proud of them. What a way to think of others on your birthday, mom! We love you guys and can't wait to hear all about your trip. Hurry home!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday honey!!! love this sweet family and the ranch and those sweet traditions. What a fantastic memory for everyone of those boys!
