Thursday, February 28, 2013

February phone dump

Here are a few pics from February that didn't make it to the blog yet.
We started off February at Avery's golden birthday. Kinley and Ben loved swinging together.
IMG_3558 And Ty couldn't keep his eyes off of cute Lily.
IMG_3556 A little cake eating on the porch..
Kinley, still wearing her gold medal from Avery's party, is obsessed with her cowgirl boots.
Ty is getting good at the camo car. He just loves to be outside. From the minute he wakes up until he goes to bed, unless he is eating, he wants to be outside. It is the one surefire way to end a crying fit. He loves it.
And he also loves his boots.
Pops brought Kinley back some K State pom poms that she just loved.
Gram taught her a few cheers.
There have been a few seriously gorgeous days in February that we took advantage of at the park. Makes me so excited for spring days outside. Just can't get enough of that smile....even if he is eating wood chips.
We had to go pretty late to Aslynn's birthday party but, we were so glad we went! Kinley had so much fun jumping and playing with Aslynn and Tatum. It made Kinley's day that when she showed up they both yelled "Kinley" and gave her a big group hung. They are all growing to be sweet and fast friends.
IMG_3656 Xander was not down for a picture so much so he turned his back to us. He is so funny. We love our gymnastics friends. I love that it's co-ed. They all have so much fun together. All our second kids are starting this summer together at a class the same time as the big kids with a different teacher. It should be interesting.
Kinley has been very into putting on "shows" recently. It totally reminds me of what Kristen and I used to do growing up. She gets dressed up and puts down a blanket in her room which usually represents a stage or dancefloor of some sort. Then she sets up chairs all around the blanket for her "audience." She also usually writes a menu of performance options either on the chalkboard or on a piece of paper for us to choose from. A heart might represent a song that she wants to sing or a sticker of Cinderella may represent a particular kind of dance.
It's an interactive show if you will.
I have been wanting to video this forever but, somehow the spontaniety of the "performance" gets me every time. Also, when she requests songs to be played from my phone then I can't video..only take pictures. So, here are a few pics (really blurry ones) of a recent dance show.
Kinley all dressed up and ready for the show!
The audience...complete with humans and dolls.
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Ty joined in with his fantastic and hilarious dance moves.
It ended up being a family dance party...sorry for the dark blurry pics...kinley insisted on mood lighting.
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Thank God for this man who helped give me moments like this. I never want them to end. IMG_3690

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!! Kinley thank you for continuing the tradition of constant homemade shows. Your mom is sure to love them just like minnie and honey! I wish i was there to see every moment. Linds, you are going to have to get a boom box so you can video. stat.
