Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This week - State Fair, The Zoo and Snack Day

The weather this week has been amazing and it is finally starting to feel like Fall! It has really helped us get out of our shell and venture out for some fun!

On Sunday, Ben, Kinley and I went to the Texas State Fair with Scott, Katie, Joe, Emily and Isaac. It was my first time to leave Ty. He stayed with Honey and Boss for a few hours and did great. It was definitely harder on me than him. I don't have any pictures from the State Fair because I forgot my

On Monday, Mom and I took both kids to the zoo. I remembered to bring my camera, only to find out that the memory card was not But, we did a better job of taking iphone pics. Both kids did great at the zoo and we had such a fun day!
Kinley loved getting up and close to the animals.
This tiger is a little too zoned in on her for me!
She is always thinking about her friends and anywhere she finds a phone she is talking to someone. Here she is clearly talking to Ella about her zoo experience.
She also tries to meet new friends everywhere she goes. She says, "My name is Kinley."
There was not a bronze statue in sight that she could walk by without climbing on.
Ty slept most of the day either in his carseat or the baby bjorn.
It was such a fun day at the zoo! Afterward, we came home and got ready for school on Tuesday. Each kid in Kinley's class has a snack day assigned to them once a month. When someone brings snack, they kind of get to be the leader for the day. They are first in line when they walk somewhere, etc. Tuesday was our snack day and we decided to bring some Halloween-themed snacks. I guess I was inspired by Camila's post earlier this month and also remembered some treats Aly made for our Halloween night out last year. We went for Rice Krispie Chocolate Spiders.

Rice Krispie Chocolate Spiders
3 tablespoons of butter
4 cups mini marshmallows
5 cups rice krispies
1/2 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips

I melted the butter over high heat and added in the marshmallows until they were melted. Then I stirred in the chocolate chips until they were melted and removed it from the heat. Then I stirred in the rice krispies. I spooned out large mounds of rice krispies and as they were cooling stuck 8 pretzels in the sides for legs and 2 M&M's on top for eyes. I think they turned out cute and they were a hit with the kids. Kinley immediately walked into school and told the teachers she brought spiders to school!
This was so fun and I even bought enough to make more treats this season. I think I want to try the Surprise Pumpkin Treats next!
Screen shot 2011-10-19 at 2.42.49 PM


  1. I had so much fun with Kinley at the zoo! I love her enthusiasm and she was a real trooper after she fell and scraped her knee. Sweet baby Ty was perfect as usual.
    The spider snack is so cute!

  2. What great spinders, they look so real on the platter! It looks like a great day at the zoo. I am glad you were able to enjoy a day out in the beautiful weather.

    Kinely and Ty are ssoooo cute! What a pair!!! Love you!

  3. i love the zoo pics!! and i just love the spiders! i am making those tomorrow! and love her expression when she is calling ella! SO CUTE!
