Monday, August 15, 2011

Lately...we have a nail polish obsession

I feel like I so need to catch up on blogging lately. We have not been crafting very much now that most of our projects around the house are winding down. I have just a few more things to buy/finish but, that has slowed down a lot. I am very thankful for that because I am just getting tired and worn out a lot now! We are coming up on week 35 of pregnancy and in the dead summer heat and I just don't have energy to do much!

This weekend we went to the lake with just the immediate Harrison family. It was so fun to hang out just the 7 of us (soon to be 8) and relax at the lake. We did some boating on Saturday but, mainly it was a very relaxing weekend. Then we had July & August family birthdays on Sunday with all the Joyner clan and even Bart made it in town for the tail end of the day!! We made a short trip over to our house from Honey's to show off Kinley's big girl bed. She was SO, SO overly excited to show her room and baby Ty's room to Momma Gay and Aunt Jan. Then we had dinner with just the immediate Howe family (minus Olivia...sad) and celebrated my birthday a little more. It was just a fun, relaxing family-filled weekend. Of course, I have zero pictures from all of this. But, it was still so fun and worth documenting.

This morning while hanging around the house we were missing our Katie and Annabelle Grace Mondays. They used to come over every monday all day and hang out and now that Katie has started work at school (yay!) we miss that time! Kinley is back to just hanging with boring old me. She is great about entertaining herself though and one of her favorite things to do is to "paint" her fingernails.

Oftentimes we really do use real nail polish to paint fingers and toes. She rarely is without her favorite hot pink polish on her nails. But, she also just uses anything that is small to pretend paint her fingernails....a nail file....a paper clip....this morning was a bobby pin...a Qtip...really anything. That reminded me of some cute Annabelle Grace and Kinley pics that I have not posted yet from a fun monday with ABG and Katie where Kinley was pretending to polish ABG's toenails for her with chapstick. Chapstick is also a favorite of Kinley's....she calls it "lips" and she uses it all the time.

Kinley is using her "lips" to paint ABG's toenails. Do you think they will give each other pedicures later in life too?
She is even blowing on them to dry the nails.
Who knows what our new obsession will be next!? Happy Monday!


  1. Fun family weekend all around! I hope Kinley & ABG can remain friends forever. They are both so precious and sweet to each other. You are raising a girly girl, for sure!

  2. i love family weekend!! and how gorgeous are those girls ohmygosh!
