Tuesday, August 9, 2011

29th Birthday

This weekend was my 29th birthday. Last year of my twenties. I was reminded that by Mendy....so nice of her. It really is so crazy because I still feel like high school was yesterday. I do not feel older than 17. I wonder if I will always feel that way? It was a very tame birthday weekend since I am 8 1/2 months pregnant and all...but, I felt so pampered and loved. I had to work on Friday, which is very unusual for me, and when I got home mom and Kinley had a white chocolate Nothing Bundt Cake ready for me, candles and all. I could tell Kinley had been patiently waiting for this all day and as soon as I walked in the door she basically screamed "Happy Birthday" and drug me to the cake to sing and blow out candles. It was a great way to start the weekend.
Then, Ben surprised me with an overnight date night in Dallas on Friday night. Pops and Gram came over to spend the night with Kinley and we headed out. The surprise part was that I had no idea where we were going. We ended up going to the Joule in Dallas! In case you have not yet heard of the Joule....it is pretty swanky. The decor is very contemporary and energized with a real modern art feel. Everything looks like an installation and has meaning to it...all pretty much physics related because, as I understand it, a Joule is a unit of energy in physics. It also has this rooftop infinity pool, the Joule Poule as they call it, that jets out over the sidewalk and street 8 feet so you can see to the street below you. It must be cool because it is where Britney Spears stayed when she came to Dallas not long ago. We ate dinner at the Charlie Palmer, which is the restaurant inside the Joule. It was delicious. The next morning Ben booked me a Prenatal massage, which was so needed and fabulous, and then we headed home. We did not take one picture of our evening together but, here are a few from the Joule website that are great.
Picnik collage
Saturday was my actual birthday and after seeing this super sweet post from my besties...we trekked over from Dallas to Ft. Worth and had a fabulous family dinner at Eddie V's. I had never been there and it was truly delicious. I think better than the Charlie Palmer even. We celebrated mine and Alex's birthday, because his was just 2 weeks ago, with our parents and spouses and Franchesca. It was such a fun night.
Mendy and Ben posing together since Alex was sitting by me for dessert.
Overall, I had a wonderful, relaxing birthday weekend and I am so thankful for all the many blessings that God has so generously given me. Thanks so much everybody and especially Ben for making this pregnant girl celebrating the last year of her 20's feel super special. Love you!


  1. So sweet! Ella is laying next to me right now (yes she is up at 10:17) as I am looking at this post and she said "oh mom I didn't know lindsay painted her nails. I like that mom. They are pretty"

  2. Oh happy birthday to you! I think I saw that hotel in Southern Living! Don't worry, I am in my early 30s and still feel like I just graduated from high school too. Age is just a state of mind, right?!?

  3. sounds amazing. so glad you enjoyed it. super happy I found your blog. I'm totally following, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over 4 months ago after graduating from college in the south and moving across the country to LA. The site's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. I'd love if if you'd stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news and check out my latest post featuring pictures from my Mad Hatter themed engagement party. Thanks love. xoxo


  4. Glad you had a fab weekend! I've always wanted to go to the Joule, looks super swanky and cool. See you soon, can't wait!!

  5. and thank goodness I wasn't invited to dinner. I got to stay with Kinley. I love you sweet niece.
