Thursday, September 30, 2010

happy half-birthday

Today Kinley is 18 months old! A year and a half...I just can't believe it! The time has flown by. I can't believe she is walking, running, playing like a big girl, talking....well attempting to talk...going to school....ah. I just can't believe it. Last year on her half birthday I made her "1/2" shirt and that seems like SO long ago! Today, Kinley went to school. It was "blue" day because all month long they have learned about the color, she wore blue. She wanted her blue necklace and sunglasses and we took some brownie bites to her class so they could have a treat!

The last 18 months have been the greatest of my life...and I can't even wait for all that is ahead! I love you baby!


  1. just thought I'd say hi... jordan is friends with allison and I found you through her blog- random, right? anyhow, just thought I'd *introduce* myself over the internet! :)
    kirstin @ kojo
    ps- I love your little freezer paper printed onesies! so cute!

  2. Happy 1 1/2 yr. old birthday, sweet angel! I love much!

  3. What a big girl! Can't believe it has been 18 months. Happy 1 1/2 yr birthday! I miss you and can't wait to play with you tonight.

  4. Tell Kinley Aunt Jan loves her.
