Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mexico Trip

We have been gone for a week to the RIU Palace Mexico in Playa del Carmen and this is how much fun it was!
Everything for the wedding week just turned out fabulous! (beware...lots of pics ahead!) The rehearsal dinner was so great and we had reservations at one of the restaurants on the property and had a fabulous private area for toasts, which were both tearful and so sweet, and then went dancing afterward! It was a great, fun night with family and friends all excited about the big day!

Seriously, the wedding was absolutely beautiful. The whole day was sweet. Mendy and Alex avoided each other all day, the girls had a spa day and all got ready together for the wedding. The ceremony was so intimate and sweet and personal. They wrote their own vows and it was so tearful and beautiful. It was a special moment that I will always remember and am thrilled to have been a part of it. Everyone was gorgeous and the colors and flowers and setting Mendy picked was just amazing. I wish I had more pictures! I know Mendy will have a million from her amazing photographer and friend, Janie, that went on the trip. Kinley was a mess and wanted to play in the sand the entire time. She kept filling her shoes with sand and pouring it out...thank goodness my mom was there to follow her around...too bad she missed the entire ceremony!

After the newlyweds left and went on their honeymoon, we stayed around a few days to play with family and friends. Ashley and Neil were so much fun, Gary, Cheryl and Aunt Deb and Jim were there, a bunch of Mendy's mom and friends stayed, and my mom and dad were there was so fun! There was a show for the kids every night on the stage with dancing and songs and Kinley just loved it. She danced and twirled and just couldn't get enough!

Kinley also seriously LOVED the beach...I can't say it enough. She would lay down, face first in the sand and do "sand angels." It was so funny...she can't stand if one tiny piece of food is on her at dinner...but, she can be covered head to toe in every crevice with sand and just be in was so fun!
The entire week was such a blast and I could talk for ages about it! It was nice to be on vacation, to be surrounded by so much family and sweet friends...but, mostly we just can't wait for Mendy and Alex to come home from their honeymoon, live around here and start their new lives together!


  1. everyone and everything is just gorgeous and sweet!! i mean, how old is mendys mom??? 18?!? she looks so young! and the pic of gary and cheryl holding hands is so sweet! and kinley in the sand and in the first pic is so cute! and you look gorgeous in every pic!! i cant wait to come see you today and hear all about this trip and celebrate your birthday!! Happy birthday sister!! love you so much!!

  2. What a beautiful blog Lindsay. You out did yourself with this posting! You captured the beauty of the wedding and the resort. Thank you so much for this wonderful keepsake for Mendy and Alex.I know family and friends who were not able to attend will be able to be part of the celebration by viewing your blog.
    Happy Birthday and I can't wait to celebrate with you on Sunday. I love you dearly.

  3. Beautiful blog of the wedding sweet niece. You did capture the beauty everything! I love you. Aunt Jan
