Monday, July 26, 2010

this week and next...

As I have mentioned many times before...this month of July has been just crazy..but so, so much fun! I wanted to touch on a couple of important July events for my family.

July 14th was Matt's birthday. My sweet, little brother Matt is so amazing. He is thoughtful and sentimental, loves his family, so much fun, hilarious, the life of the party, all boy...and I just can't say enough! We celebrated with him at Hibiscus in Dallas on his birthday. Olivia could join us for a quick bite during her dinner break from studying for the Texas bar exam...that is THIS WEEK...GO OLIVIA!! But, we missed Bart and Ben so much! They were working in Cali and studying for a big exam, respectively. I guess someone has to work while we play! (not sure why these pics are a little grainy...sorry!)
I wonder where she gets it???
Kinley was pooped from celebrating!

Then, July 23rd is Alex's birthday. I just love my bro-in-law. He is so much my brother that I forget he is really Ben's. I am so excited for him to marry Mendy...and I could not pick a better person...but, I am still just a little sad that I am not the girl he will call for advice anymore. I just love him. Everyone loves him...he is hilarious...absolutely Ben's best friend...and just so much fun.

The day after Alex's birthday was his "Abilene wedding" to Mendy. Not everyone gets two weddings! But, it was so special to have their wedding ceremony in Mendy's parents backyard. It was just our families and her grandparents, under their back porch, and so simple. We all did communion afterward, they signed their wedding license and had brunch. It is official...they are Alex and Mendy Harrison...but, we are all pumped to leave tomorrow for the Mexico wedding! Their wedding in Mexico will be special because Mendy will wear her wedding dress, they will recite vows, exchange rings, and have their dream ceremony! I am so excited!
The Harrison's!!
Two minutes into the car ride home...she was pooped again!

I made Kinley some new accessories to her "wedding" dress to match Mendy's colors. I made a new sash and flower for her hair..and bought this cool shell / accent pin for the sash that looked kinda "beachy." I think it turned out cute!
I cannot wait to post pics from the Mexico trip when we get back next week! I just can't believe it is here! So exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Mendy and Alex! So exciting! Thanks for posting these pics! Have so much fun in Mexico! So sad we cant make it!
