Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Harrison family Christmas

Last night we celebrated Christmas with the Harrison's. Kinley's first Christmas is so much fun so far! She loves presents and unwrapping the bags and tearing paper off the boxes and chewing on everything! It is so fun! It was quite obvious that Kinley made out like a rockstar at the Harrison's! She had 10 times the presents of everyone else and LOVED everything!
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Kinley in her cute Santa hat!
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Uncle Alex!
Kinley's first cracker...I think it feels good on her teeth!
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Kinley's stack of presents!
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Drool baby
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Opening her first present
By far her favorite gift of the night was this stuffed monkey. She just giggled and giggled everytime she saw it and it is super soft! She loved it!
Ben got presents even though he got his bow a couple months ago! Yay Ben!

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