Thursday, December 24, 2009

Flying H Trailer Park Christmas Preview....

For those of you not on the Howe side of my family....then you are probably not planning on spending Christmas in an RV. I know this sounds crazy...but, this year for Christmas my family will be sleeping in trailers! We are all traveling out to East Texas where Inie and Bull live and will set up a trailer park of 4 RV's so that we can all be in the same place for the duration of our trip. The hotel / motel option just would not cut it for us. There are a total of 30 of us including 4 new babies this year and we all wanted to be together! So, here is a little preview of our Christmas this year....more to come!

Pics of our home away from home!
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Jealous yet????
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I laminated these signs to either put on stakes and stick in the ground for the trailer park or to tape on all 4 of the trailers!
12.22.09 003
Making tags for the T-shirts!
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A little sneak peak of the T-shirts! Stay tuned for a glimpse of the whole thing!

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