Monday, August 10, 2009

Saturday Night Fun

This Saturday night we had the rare occasion of having a bunch of our friends in town and got to let loose a little! Kinley had her friends in town to hang out too and it was a blast. Throughout the night we had 11 adults, 4 kids, and 3 dogs in our house...and I loved every minute!
Ben is an early Aggie! Gig Em!
Babies playing!
Sassy knows how adorable she looks in Kristen's glasses!

Aves is so sweet to Kinley
Babies are in bed and the adult fun begins.

Joe is in serious mode teaching us how to play landmines. Apparently Joe has never seen a worse player in the history of Landmines than Kris.
Chris and Lisa were in town from Oklahoma for the weekend. After 'Landmines' was 'Never Have I Ever' and then a great game of 'Celebrity.' Thanks so much to all for coming and hanging out. Come back anytime!

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