Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Birthdays

Every month or so, everyone on my mom's side of the family get together to celebrate birthdays. It is such a fun tradition that we have done for many years now. This Sunday was July and August birthdays (so Amy, Matt, Me, and Pepa) and it was a rare occasion that we got EVERYONE together.
All the grandkids and great-grandkids
It was also Bart & Olivia's 1-year anniversary! Happy Anniversary! May you have many, many more happy years together!
I got this awesome coffee maker from mom & dad for my birthday and I think Ben was just as excited as I was.
Chris and Lisa got to join too!
Kinley LOVES Uncle Bart & Aunt Olvia and will be so sad when they move to Boston in a couple weeks :-(
The Howes

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