Monday, August 6, 2018


So thankful for sweet friends that made my birthday so special. 
Started the weekend with a birthday run with Ali complete with party hats and snapchat filters. 

And she brought a cookie cake for worship team to celebrate that weekend! 

Birthday run and post run brunch at First Watch with Stacee! Untitled 

Chuck E Cheese for my birthday lunch with these cuties and our babes. 
Untitled August 2018 Untitled 

Dinner with the Harrisons at our house that night. 
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Celebrated Sunday afternoon with family and swimming and dinner and cake at Mom & Dad's house 
Untitled August 2018 Untitled 

And a fun girls dinner at Napa Thai with some sweet friends who loved embarrassing me by singing loudly and I could not stop laughing.
 Untitled Untitled

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