Sunday, April 29, 2018

Marshall Creek Horseback Riding

Kinley's birthday present from Pops & Gram was a family horseback riding adventure at Marshall Creek Ranch by Grapevine lake. 
We went as a family with Pops & Gram on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. 
After a quick instruction session and getting geared up we all got assigned our horses. 
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Kinley could ride by herself but the boys had to each ride with a trail guide. April pt 4 
 Ty was a little big to partner ride but he squeezed on that saddle and took it like a champ. 
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Pictures can.not. do justice how HUGE Gary's horse was. 
Seriously, I could not stop laughing. 
His name was Thor and Gary looked like a miniature person on top. 
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 Everyone's horse was on pretty good behavior except for mine.
 Around the time we were down by the lakeshore we came across a sandy patch. 
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Apparently my horse loved to play and roll around in the sand because before you know it, he was sitting down on the ground with me still on top. 
 The guides quickly yelled at me to pull up on his reigns and tell him to get up immediately before he rolled over on top of me.
 Cheryl was behind me and saw the entire crazy thing happen.
 It was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. 
 Horses are some very large, strong animals. 
It was a tad bit scary but happened so fast it was all over in a flash. 
 Definitely NOT a boring ride though. 
Just so thankful it was MY horse and not one of my kids!
April pt 4 

We will definitely ride down at Marshall Creek Ranch again. 
It was such a fun thing to do only a few minutes from home. 
 After horseback riding, we went as a family to Breadwinners right around the corner. 
It was delish and such a fun memory.

 April pt 4 

Before heading home, we went by the Medlin Cemetery in Roanoke where a lot of the late Howe family is buried. 
 We visited Bull's grave and Ty Anson found the tombstone of Inie's dad, his namesake, Anson Byron Cannon. 
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 It was such a fun family day that felt like a little slow stay-cation in the middle of a busy spring season.

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