Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter 2018

Love the Easter Season all the tradition we've built over the years as a family.
We hunted for resurrection eggs one night before Easter at Pops & Grams with Cannon.
Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled 

One of the kids favorite traditions is their egg lunch

I got to sing for Easter services this year and it was so fun.
 First service was Friday night on Kinley's actual birthday so both sets of grandparents came and we sang Happy birthday to Kinley after.
 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 

We kept up our tradition of the Saturday Easter bunny...because truly, I do not love the bunny. 
Easter is all about Jesus. 
Also, we opted for Christmas pjs this year I guess instead of Easter pjs. 
Can't win them all.
 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 

 Saturday daytime we did Harrison family Easter brunch and egg hunting - shirts optional.
Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 

Sunday was more Easter services with some of my faves: 
Easter 2018 Easter 2018 Easter 2018 
And our Easter tradition - Aunt Jan's house with Joyner side and Inie joined too this year! 
Easter and April pt 1 Easter and April pt 1 Easter and April pt 1 Easter 2018 Easter and April pt 1 Easter and April pt 1 Easter and April pt 1 
 Aunt Jan had found a huge bag of old dress up clothes in her house and brought them downstairs and of course Kinley and Ty went to town putting on shows for everyone. 
Easter and April pt 1 
This fun rainbow, spin top hat definitely came home with us. 
Easter and April pt 1

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