Saturday, March 3, 2018

Ty - Upward Basketball

Ty played his very first basketball season with Upward this winter. 
He literally has never played or watched basketball before this and I really expected a bit of a trainwreck. 
But he had the BEST time! 
 He had great coaches in Cal, Ryan and Eric and just enjoyed his time playing with good friends at a new sport. 
He loved it. 
 The games were fast-paced, fun to watch and the whole league is focused on sharing Christ and honoring God. 
I love how every practice incorporates a devotion time and every game starts with a prayer on their knees with both teams and the officials.
Honey is always one of our biggest fans and comes out to watch every game as much as she can. 
March 2018 - part 1 
Sweet boys 
March 2018 - part 1 
The best and most encouraging coaches
! March 2018 - part 1 March 2018 - part 1 March 2018 - part 1 

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