Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentines 2018

My love for DIY valentines runs deep.
We loved passing these out to all the classmates this year.
Feb part 1

 Valentine's day threw up all over our breakfast nook....
 Feb part 2
Valentines shirt brought to us by Aunt Minnie.
Feb part 2
 Dylan's Valentines Party was so cute. Love my littlest valentine boy.
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Special delivery for Dylan's best girl, Ryder. 
She holds the key to his little heart and they could not be cuter together. 
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 Lunch with Sister on Valentines Day
 Feb part 2 
Ben and I divided and conquered elementary valentines parties. 
I actually have no pictures of and never made Kinley's because as soon as I got to Ty's class I could tell he was not feeling well.
 His teacher said he kept telling her all day he was fine and refused to go to visit nurse Katy because he didn't want to miss the valentines day party. 
But, I convinced him we could take all his valentines to go and get a quick visit in to dr scott because sweet boy was feverish and not himself. 
You can so tell from these pics he just isn't quite right. 
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 From party to doctor in a flash and out like a light in my lap before I could blink. 
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We had a very low key evening with heart-shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and a movie night on the couch.
 Feb part 2 

Love my forever valentine and I can tell he loves me because he let me take a selfie with him...which he hates. 
Feb part 2
Feb part 2

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