Friday, February 23, 2018

100th Day of Kinder & Kinder Rodeo

Ty had his 100th day of Kindergarten and they dress up like they are 100.
 I can't even handle these pictures. 
 With his suspenders, bow tie, eyebrow classes, grey hair and cane! 
He even has the walk down!
 Untitled Untitled Untitled 
Cutest class pic that Mrs. Richardson tweeted on their 100th day. 
Ty had his Kindergarten Rodeo the day that we left for NYC and I had to miss it. 
 Ben and Gary & Cheryl got to go but I hated to miss it. 
Thankfully, I got to go watch the rodeo parade first thing in the morning before we got on the plane and was able to watch this cute cowboy parade the halls. 
Also thankful to a few friends who sent me lots of pics and videos since I had to miss the performances.
 Feb part 2 Feb part 2

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