Friday, November 10, 2017

More November

Such a fun play date one day with Ry and Jaymes over. 
The boys put on a "cowboy show" complete with a dance party for the girls and we played outside in the great weather. It was fun! November November November November November 
Dylan was pooped after and passed out with his hand in the cereal bag 

 Sweet Dylan loves Haley and they are like 2 peas in a pod most days. 
 And Haley could not be more patient with all the climbing kids she has endured over the years. 
 How we love her so.
 I am not sure how many more years we have left with our first girl, but we will treasure them all. 
 Loved grocery shopping with our community group for GRACE food pantry for Thanksgiving meals.

Fun Bass Hall night that Mendy & Alex joined the party for! 
 Some day we will talk them into the full season of tickets with us!
 Nov 2017 
Sibling pic....
 Nov 2017 
usually these are the pics I get when I have Ross take the picture.... 
Nov 2017 
Nov 2017 

The Fogles came in town in November and we LOVE it when they come. Everyone has a playdate and picks up right where they left off.  I promise we can go to LaHa and have salsa and Mexican food anytime if you move back! 
Nov 2017 Nov 2017 Nov 2017 Nov 2017

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