Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

We had lots of fun opportunities to dress up this year around Halloween.
We started at the Compass Fall Carnival which is always a favorite. We met up at Pops and Grams and walked over to the fun.

This year, Kinley was Belle from the village...not to be confused with the princess Belle.
 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017
Ty was the Flash
Halloween 2017
Dylan was a racecar driver, Lightning McQueen's to be exact.
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017
Cant get enough of Cannon, the astronaut.
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 Carnival fun
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017
Kinley lost a tooth on the walk home to Pops and Grams.
Halloween 2017

 We threw in a crazy hair day at school sometime later that week.
Halloween 2017

On Halloween morning, Kinley and Ty got to dress up and walk in the "Book Character" parade at school. Kinley had checked out and read a book about Belle - from the village- pre-The Beast, that worked perfect.
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017

Ty switched it up and was Batman and forgot to carry HIS BOOK.
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017
These two were the cutest little parade watchers ever.
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017

 Lunch on Halloween with our favorite boy.
 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017

A couple fun Halloween snapchat filters with Kinley.
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017
Started Halloween evening by trick-or-treating at Honey's house.
 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017

This year was the first time we actually did Trick-or-Treating in our neighborhood. One of the neighbors decked out a trailer and offered to drive all the neighborhood kids around.
 We were pretty passionate about taking part in this since we really want to invest in our neighborhood but, it was our first time not to trick or treat with playgroup and we really did miss it.

I just couldn't let the night go without being in costume so I happened to have a checkered flag dress in my closet that I threw on with Dylan's car racing hat and it was fun matching my littlest man.
 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017

It was so fun to walk our beautiful tree-lined streets with Minnie, Alex, Cannon and our sweet neighbor friends.
 Even Pops and Gram joined along.
 It had been pouring rain for a couple days and all day on Halloween but for the evening it cleared out and was a great night! 
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 
 Love this little bulldog 
Halloween 2017
We've got both stages of Belle's life covered.
 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 
We ended the night with a sugar high dumping out all our candy and chowing down. 
Halloween 2017 Halloween 2017 
Happy Halloween
The morning after Halloween Ben and I "Jimmy Kimmel-ed" our kids and told them we ate all their Halloween candy. Their reaction was priceless and I never want to forget it. Not our finest parenting moment. But dang funny. And they were totally fine one minute later. 

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