Wednesday, September 27, 2017

See You At The Pole - 2017

Ali did it again and made SYATP happen for our school again this year.
It was even bigger than last year and such a sweet morning. She would say I "helped" but literally all I did was make a few posters the night before and post an Instagram notification.
Sept 2017 Sept 2017
Kids showed up in throws. I snapped this pic where the circle around the pole actually looked like the shape of a heart. So cool. 
Sept 2017 

 And the sunrise at that hour is incredible. 
It is like God is just showing up for the gathering of these little children honoring him at their public school. 
Sept 2017 

We used the same outline from last year and let kids randomly read scripture and pray some written out prayers.  We also let them popcorn around and pray as they felt led for their fellow students, faculty, staff and school.
 Sept 2017 Sept 2017 

 Most of Ty's friends who came to his birthday party showed up in their t-shirt from the party. 
I pray these boys are Strong and Courageous for Jesus as they face opposition in their faith. 
Sept 2017 

And our friend Nicole is a professional photographer and sent us a few pics she snapped of the morning.
 Sept 2017 Sept 2017 Sept 2017
SYATP is one of my favorite days of the year!

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