Friday, April 7, 2017

Ty - Spring Sports - Hockey / Soccer

During the month of February, Ty did the Little Rookies intro to Hockey at the Dr. Pepper Star Center in Euless.
It is an entirely FREE program.
You borrow all the hockey gear and just show up for about an hour each Saturday to learn the basics of being on the ice.
It is put on and coached by some of the semi-pro feeder hockey players for the Dallas stars.
They were so kind!
This guy who did Ty's equipment fitting is a captain of the team and from Australia.
February 2017
Cutest little hockey player ever
February 2017 February 2017
I did not know what to expect from this but he had an absolute BLAST every week. These boys went from literally falling every second to skating around the ice with a stick and shooting the puck into the goal.
It was so cool to see them keep trying over and over again to get it right. AND, these boys were a sweaty mess every day.
Literally wet with sweat head to toe. So stinky. They worked SO hard.
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Hockey fan-club

End of season ceremony. They each got a certificate and a Dallas Stars book.
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Dylan got his chance to ice skate too (with assistance of course)at Mila and Ella's ice-skating birthday party.
February 2017 February 2017
And I just have to document their dolphin cake made by Aunt Minnie. Amazing.
February 2017 February 2017

Thankfully, hockey didn't ever interfere with our soccer schedule and Ty had another great spring season with the Vipers.
He really started to be aggressive as a forward this season.
He has traditionally always been a great defender and has a big kick but, it was fun to see him take the ball and run for the goal too.
Practice pic...
My favorite little vipers, giving their goal count for the game.
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Love our fan-club for all our events.
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Hank even came to a game one time with Honey and Boss and he had lots of attention.
Dylan and Dylan - the cutest little brother duo of the Vipers team. They might have more fun during practice and the games than anyone.
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Love our Vipers!
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